Cassandra Cotta

Pilates People started as a love note - a way for me to reach out to the world and keep us together while apart.

I cannot believe what this "silly" little movement business that began with me building a "tripod" out of an end table balanced in a window topped off with a hamper and a bunch of books has done - the friends we've all made, the business we built and the physical, mental and emotional hurdles we've jumped together. 

But back to my point. Movement is my true love, and I'm here to share that with you. I believe (and know) that our bodies don't lie. They are the keepers of our stories and it is our job to listen and learn from what they have to say.

Why Pilates for that? It's the only modality I've found that can simultaneously address an injury, look at a person holistically and make you feel the burn all at the same time. 

On a personal level, Pilates is the thing that has saved my spine, shoulder and spirit on more than one occasion, so I know it works.

I'm an ex dancer who's fully certified with continuing education specifically for athletes, male-identifying and pre/postnatal bodies, but I'm so happy to work with ALL the bodies and eager to learn from what you and your body have to tell me!